Coaching program

Python Ireland wants to help potential speakers deliver great talks to the monthly meetups.

We want to remove barrier by providing a friendly environment and lots of support while you prepare for it.

  1. Find a talk subject, you can browse our list for inspiration.
  2. Register an application for the training program.
  3. Pick a date to deliver your talk.
  4. Attend the full day coaching session, including small group practice.
  5. Rehearse with an experienced speaker from the Python Ireland committee.
  6. Go on stage !

Why should you attend ?

Giving technical talks is a great way to give back to an open source project.

You will consolidate your knowledge on the topic you have selected.

We will help you deliver your talk in a non judgemental, friendly environment. If you're happy with it we will publish it on our Youtube channel, but you will decide if you want this to happen.

You'll learn techniques to share your knowledge and results with your fellow students or professional colleagues.

Important information

Because we want participants to get the most out of this program there will be a limited availability.

If the session is over subscribed, the Python Ireland committee will select the successful applicants, its decision will be final. Yet this will be a good sign and might encourage us to renew the experience.

Your talk will be programmed in one of our monthly meetups which run every second Wednesday of the month starting at 18:30 (unless advertised otherwise).

We will ask a symbolic financial contribution of € 20 to help us cover the costs and a token of commitment. A link to buy a ticket will be provided to successful applicants.

The main coaching session will be run on a Saturday (date to be announced), with a general presentation in the morning, and small groups workshops in the afternoon.